The first section is about study on the procedural civil executive remedy and four ways of remedies on that. The second section of this part is study on substantial civil executive remedies by bringing into the conception of execution rights of pleading. 第二节为对实体性民事执行救济的研究。在论述实体性民事执行救济时,先引入了执行请求权的概念。
So-called Section 201 in effect is Section 2,01-Section 204 of the Trade Act of 1974 amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, which stipulates the substantive requirements and procedural requirements of Section 201 detailed. 现行的201条款是经过1988年《美国综合贸易与竞争法》修正后的《1974年贸易法》的第201节~204节。
From the specific content of the existing Section 337 terms, it can be roughly divided into two major parts: substantive provisions and procedural provisions. Paragraph ( a) is the substantive provision, while almost all other provisions are procedural provisions of the Section 337 investigation. 从现行337条款的具体内容来看,大致可以分为实体性和程序性规定两大部份。其中实体性规定主要体现在第(a)项当中,其他条款几乎都是对337调查的程序性规定。